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A Sheik's Spell Page 6

  Fatimah wasted no time shaking off the cut ropes. Relieved, she ran across the clearing to stand between her cousin and Ilyas. The second woman who Felicia had managed to set free followed suit, to another young man in the group.

  ‘ ‘How did you get loose?’ ’ Na’im asked.

  Fatimah pointed to Felicia. “This woman freed us. It was while she was trying to free the others that Shabazz’s lookout caught her.”

  “Where is Waheedah?”

  “They split us up once we neared the borders of A1 Kharijah. Two of Shabazz’s men took her and Khalilah (Kah-lee-luh) with them. I do not know where they have gone.”

  “Where are they, Shabazz?” Na’im demanded. “They are being taken to Hassan, but don’t worry, nothing will happen to them. At least nothing that you’ll be able to look at them and tell. I understand you have a special interest in...”

  “You only need answer the questions that I ask you, Shabazz, and nothing else.”

  Na’im crossed over to Felicia and lifted her up from the ground.

  “I must say, Na’im, you seem to have impeccable timing.”

  “Only where you are concerned, aros al bher. As my mother would say, our karmas are intertwined.”

  Feeling a flow of heated relief rush through her, Felicia responded, “Whatever the reason. I’m thankful for it”

  Na’im decided to remain at the campsite the rest of the night. After all, the women had had enough excitement for one day.

  Felicia was put into the tent with all of the single women. The other tents contained the men and one married couple. Shabazz and his men looked on from their vantage point, tied to the same trees that had earlier held the women captive.

  Na’im had been busy with the men, getting the camp ready for the night, securing the tents and taking care of the camels. The women took on other chores. Once Na’im was done, he asked Felicia if she’d like to walk with him.

  All eyes were upon them as they left the campsite. Felicia had noticed how everyone looked to Na’im for instructions and how he naturally commanded and got their respect.

  “So who is this Na’im Raoul Rahman that can order a small army of men about without the slightest show of disobedience? Don’t tell me I’ve been in the company of a king or prince and I didn’t know it.’ ’

  “No, sorry to tell you. I’m neither of those. The men are all members of our village. Every one of them had been personally affected by the abductions and wanted to do something about it,” Na’im explained with a casual air.

  “But I didn’t ask you to walk with me so I could talk about myself. I want to know more about Felicia Sanders.”

  So Felicia began to talk. She was careful not to tell him much about her childhood because, in some ways, she felt life had truly begun for her once she left home and went off to college.

  It didn’t take long before her talk had brought her to Egypt. She told him of Aisha and the rebirthing. Of how fate had placed Akeel in her path, providing a way for her to contact her research team members. Lastly, she told him of how they had come upon Shabazz and the women he and his companions were holding captive.

  ‘ ‘So despite the danger to yourself, you risked your life to save a group of women you knew nothing about? There is much more to you, Felicia, than one would ever suspect.” ‘ ‘In America, we say you should never judge a book by its cover.”

  At this, Na’im laughed. “ That is very true.”

  The night was alive with nighttime sounds, as they entered a circle of trees. Na’im sat down on the spongy grass and Felicia did the same, a few feet away from him. She stared up at the moon. Lackadaisical clouds drifted high above leafy tree branches, resembling pieces of lace against the dark blue sky.

  “Sit closer to me, aros al bher. I have been so busy at the camp. Now I’d like you to be near me. Days have passed since we’ve seen each other. I must admit, I had become accustomed to your company.”

  “So now I guess your perception of me has changed. Now that I helped your people. Does that make me more worthy of your affection?” she looked at him pointedly. “Let me tell you something, Na’im. I am the same woman now as I was before this happened.”

  Na’im moved closer to her side. ‘ ‘I know that’ ’

  ‘ ‘And in my country, it is common for a woman my age to feel and display the kind of emotions I have shown. And if I was not good enough for you then, I guess Fm still not good enough.” She lifted her head defiantly.

  “Aros at bher, I kept my distance from you because I was not sure if the whole thing between us wasn’t just an emotional need, resulting from your near drowning. People do and say strange things after those kinds of experiences. It would not have been an honorable thing to do. Can you honestly say you were thinking clearly that night and knew what you really wanted?’ ’

  Felicia lay back on the blanket of grass. ‘ ‘N0...I can’t. But I know what I felt.”

  “And I know how I felt then, and still feel.”

  Na’im leaned down toward Felicia and placed a soft kiss upon her lips. ‘ ‘Aros al bher, when I take you for the first time, I want you to know how much I want you. And I want to know that you truly want me. I want every part of you to know how precious it is to me.”

  Na’im sat back and began to remove his galabia. Felicia endeavored to do the same, but Na’im stopped her and motioned for her to lie still. After removing his clothing, Na’im turned to Felicia and eased the dress over her head.

  “How could you ever think I did not want you after seeing you like this?’ ’

  A small moan escaped Felicia’s lips as she saw the urgency in his eyes and heard it in his voice.

  Na’im lifted Felicia’s palm to his lips and pressed a kiss right in its center. Slowly he moved his mouth upward, nipping at the tender skin that led to her fingertips, leaving none feeling undesirable.

  After giving reverence to both hands, Na’im continued his onslaught of Felicia’s senses. Burying his face in her breasts, he held her as if she would disappear if he let go. By now, Felicia’s chest was rising and falling rapidly. The tips of the two dark mounds that graced it beckoned for Na’im to caress them, which he did in every way. Hairs so small that Na’im could hardly see them began to stand on end, as he licked skin reminiscent of chocolate.

  Na’im’s hand stroked Felicia’s thigh, moving upward until he reached the oasis of her being, and he found it ready to give of its resources.

  Rising above Felicia and looking passionately into her eyes, Na’im asked, “And now, aros al bher, if I did not desire you, would I drink from the well from which your femininity flows?”

  Felicia could not answer him; nor did he expect her to as his lips sought out the center of her pleasure. She moaned as they played havoc with the very core of her.

  He had brought her to near delirium before he entered her—a pulsing, throbbing mass. Once inside, Na’im’s pleasure was so intense he lost all sense of place and time, his body performing to a beat older than time itself. Over and over he plunged. His only awareness...Felicia.

  Her legs and thighs clung to him, urging him on until she exploded with intense pleasure, his own release following in spurts of passion.

  The two of them remained there in each other’s arms until the nighttime breeze made them know they were no longer welcome. Only then did they head back to the camp.

  Chapter Fourteen

  Felicia looked into the anxious faces of the crowds filling the streets of Karib as she rode in front of Na’im on his camel. She could tell the village was not a very large one, but she was surprised to see more than two hundred people cheering them on as they progressed toward the center of the town.

  “Rahman, Rahman,” they chanted in unison. Felicia was astonished to hear them calling Na’im’s name. She dared not look back into his face, for as she attempted to do so, she could feel his arms tighten around her waist, keeping her still.

  “Na’im, are you going to tell me what this is all about?” she a

  ‘ ‘What do you mean? They are glad that we have been able to recapture most of the women.”

  “Then why are they shouting your name?”

  “Mine is the oldest family name in the village; it is rightfully so that they do this.”

  They entered an area surrounded by a high white wall that resembled a courtyard, and Na’im dismounted. A young boy came forth smiling and greeted Na’im.


  “Alaikoom-Salam,” Na’im replied, lifting Felicia from the camel and handing the reins over to the boy.

  Felicia followed Na’im until they entered a round foyer filled with exotic plants and marvelous Egyptian sculptures and art. It 1ed to what appeared to be five separate areas of the building.

  “This isn’t where you live, is it?”

  “And if it is?”

  “Well, my goodness, you’re talking to a girl who grew up on the Saudi side of Memphis, Tennessee, you know. I feel like I’m in some kind of palace or something.”

  ‘ ‘My family’s taste has been quite extravagant through the years. So what you’re seeing is just an accumulation of contributions by generations of my family...what would you call it? Heirlooms? So now, if you’ll just follow me this way. I’ll show you where you’ll be staying.”

  Felicia followed Na’im through a long, screened-in, domed sunroom, overflowing with blossoming plants and colorful birds that were allowed to fly about as freely as they pleased.

  ‘ ‘This is my mother’s favorite room. She and my father are away for awhile, taking care of some personal matters. And this is the sitting room that connects to your bedroom.’ ’ Na’im threw open the doors to an expansive, well-lit area, adorned with two overstuffed chairs, a couch and various artifacts. There was a portrait that looked remarkably like Na’im hanging on the east wall.

  Na’im crossed the room and opened another door. “This is where you shall sleep.”

  Felicia had never seen a more beautiful bedroom. Several shades of purple, lilac and magenta had been combined in the most refreshing way-from prints to solids, from curtains to rugs.

  Felicia made a graceful, backwards swan dive onto the full-sized bed that dominated the room. “Now I could surely live like this for awhile.”

  ‘ ‘And so you shall, aros al bher, for as long as you like.’ ’ Felicia could hear the serious tone creep into Na’im’s voice, as he watched her from across the room. She thought of Na’im and everything he had done for her.

  ‘ ‘Na’im, I want you to know that I owe you my life and I'll never forget that. I promise you that I’ll do anything I can for you.”

  ‘ ‘Is that a true promise, azizi ’ Na’im asked in a tone so soft, Felicia could barely hear him.

  Sitting up on the bed and caressing him with her eyes, Felicia replied,” Yes.”

  Felicia and Na’im stared at each other for a long time, the electricity between them a tangible thing; their ethnic backgrounds a major obstacle in both their minds.

  Felicia was the first to look away. “Na’im, I’ve got to contact the other members of my research team.”

  “It’s no problem. I will send Kareem (Kah-reem) to you, and he will deliver your message to the center in Al Kharijah. From there, I’ll make sure it reaches any village you want to contact in Egypt”

  ‘ ‘Ooh, that sounds powerful,’ ’ Felicia chided him. “Not really. It is just true.” Na’im pointed to a pair of double doors. “You will find an assortment of clothes in the closet there. Something should fit you. I must go now. I’ve got a lot of things to do. I’ll see you later.”

  Felicia watched Na’im’s retreating form as he closed the door to her room, and she wondered what she was getting herself into.

  Chapter Fifteen

  “Is all?” Kareem asked, while bowing at the same time.

  ‘ ‘Yes, that’s gonna do it, Kareem.”

  He bounded for the door with Felicia’s last approval, almost knocking Fatimah over as she stood at the entrance.

  Fatimah admonished him in Arabic for his careless actions, causing Kareem to bow several times in succession as he backed out of the door.

  “You must forgive Kareem, Felicia, he is not accustomed to working inside of the home. Na’im has kept him around because his mother died while in the Rahman’s employ. Rarely has he been allowed to come inside and perform tasks. Na’im is trying to see that he has good training in both areas.”

  “Believe me. I’m not accustomed to anyone waiting on me in my home at all. So to be honest with you, I was a little impressed with how anxious he was to take care of that for me.”

  Fatimah smiled and Felicia couldn’t help but admire how lovely she was. Her skin was a little lighter than Felicia’s, a rich brown with red tones. She wore her waist-

  length hair in a decorative ball at the top of her head, allowing the back hair to hang free. The festive plum and mustard, floor-length dress she wore accentuated her natural beauty.

  ‘ ‘So, are you all settled in now? Na’im told me to check on you. He wants to make sure you are comfortable while you are here. I am happy. This will give me something to do. Give you companionship, and help you understand our ways a little better,”

  ‘ ‘I definitely appreciate all of this. But you see, I really don’t know how long I’ 11 be here. That’s why I sent a letter by Kareem to the message center in A1 Kharijah. The reason I am in Egypt is because of a research project that I am working on. And, I’m afraid to say, so many things have happened since I got here that I haven’t been able to work on the project at all.”

  “What kind of project is it? I completed secondary school in Cairo so I am somewhat familiar with these kinds of things.”

  “Well, you probably know that the Sahara Desert is spreading, and much of Mauritania is being overtaken by it This, of course, is causing a water supply shortage and thousands of people are beginning to move further inland. There’s extreme crowding in the places where they are relocating. We are attempting to develop an inoculation that would help humans maintain moisture in their bodies longer than normal. Then the water shortage will not be such a pressing problem, and survival will not be so difficult.

  “Yes, I am aware of the problem with the Sahara. So must you go to Mauritania to develop the medicine?” “No, though I was there about a year ago to do some initial research. Right now, we need a place where we can

  do some of our tests over again. I lost the Phase I serum during my accident. The camels that we initially performed the testing on have been sent back to the organization that owned them.’ ’

  “Na’im has a vast number of camels. His family breeds them to be sold to other sheikdoms such as his own.’ ’ “To other what? Sheikdoms? Like in Rudolph Valentino?”

  “I do not know of Sheik Valentino. But my uncle, Sheik Rahman, is the head of our village. It is a position of great honor.”

  “I don’t believe I’m hearing this.”

  “I’m Sony if I have said something to upset you.” “Believe me, it’s not you, Fatimah.”

  “Good, then everything is okay now. Dinner is being served in one hour. You will dine with us, won’t you?” “No. I think I’ll pass up the royal dinner,” Felicia mumbled.

  ‘ ‘Well, I will have something brought up to your room. If you wish to bathe, you should do so soon. All electrical power is cut off at five o’clock. We do not have enough power to keep it going day and night. That is why we have the oil lamps throughout our homes for night use.”

  “That sounds fine. Hey look, I don’t mean to be uncooperative, but there’re a few things I’ve got to think about”

  ‘ ‘I see.’ ’ Fatimah looked down at the floor. ‘ ‘Felicia, Na’im is not the easiest man to understand, but he is good in here.’ ’ Fatimah placed her flat palm in the middle of her breast. With a brief smile, she left Felicia alone.

  Felicia walked into the bath that adjoined her bedroom. It was modernly equipped, with an added eastern flavor. Mosa
ic tile adorned the floor and the area surrounding the bathtub. Double doors guarded the entrance to the walk-in closet, which was filled with an array of dresses and accessories.

  Felicia wanted to show Na’im how much she didn’t appreciate his not telling her the truth about his family. She thought about refusing his hospitality and demanding that he take her to a hotel. But what would that prove? Then she would not be near him.

  What was wrong with her, anyway? Most of her friends back home would die to be able to say they’d spent the night in a sheik’s palace. She guessed that was the reason she was worried. She knew she was in danger of losing her heart. Felicia sat on the edge of the tiled tub and shook her head.

  Who was she kidding, anyway? She’d already lost her heart. One more day wasn’t going to make that big of a difference. Plus, it had been such a long time since she’d had a nice, long, hot bath. Especially one in a bathtub.

  Felicia emerged from the water feeling wonderful. She stepped out of the tub and wrapped herself in a rose- colored bath towel scented with myrrh. The warm water made her sleepy. She laid down on the soft spread that covered her bed Shortly afterwards, she fell asleep.

  Felicia dreamt she heard laughter that ended abruptly, then a man’s voice sounding stilted and commanding. Felicia opened her eyes. It was Na’im’s voice she was hearing, and she had not been asleep, but at the point where dreams and reality are sometimes confused. Half asleep, Felicia entered the sitting room and found Na’im’s face in a mask of anger.

  “What was that all about? At first I thought I heard someone laughing or giggling. And now, here you sit looking as if you could tear down a couple of walls or something.”

  “It’s nothing. I just had to make sure some of the servants have the proper understanding about you.” “About me? Did they come in here to look and laugh at me? What were they saying, Na’im? That the sheik has his little American plaything stored away in a special wing of the grand mansion, andlet’s go see what she looks like?’ ’ ‘ ‘I am not the sheik, aros al bher, my father is. And they wanted to see what an African-American woman looks like.”